$149.99 USD
WordPress plan
WordPress plan
- Change specific link.
- Upload images.
- Update WordPress.
- Create Users.
- Create pages. (essential)
- Delete Users.
- Delete pages.
- Post Banner Ads. (Customer provides art design)
- Maintenance.
- DNS management. (essential).
- Domain Management. (basic).
$439.99 USD
Webmaster plan
Everything in the WordPress Editor plan also includes
- Advanced Management of the Google search console.
- Management of Google My Business.
- Management of the Google Ads keyword planner.
- SEO optimization of links.
- Web Design Updates.
- Support in real time (Every day - Working hours).
- Security copies against incidents.
- Pixel management (optional).
- Management of Meta Facebook Business Developer Suite. (data flow and assets).
- Remote Assistance.
- Face-to-face assistance. (subject to schedule and availability.)
- Google ads (basic).
- Pixel (Facebook Business Meta Management).
-Google Analytics. (Google Traffic Report)
-Google My Business. (Business File and Google Reviews).
$649.99 USD
Plan Empresarial SEO + Web Master Avanzado
Todo lo del Plan Webmaster e incluye también
Consultoría de Ciberseguridad
Protección contra robo de identidad, protección de marca y dominio.
- Creación de Estrategia SEO.
- Typing de Textos SEOptimizados.
- Medios SEOptimizados. (Imagenes, Videos, Links, etc).
- Control de Competencia en Palabras Clave que generan trafico.
- Reportes de Backlinks, Palabras por las que esta posicionado, Ranking y SEO on-page.
- Clasificación de datos y recopilacion de informacion de palabras clave de Google y Bing.
- Rediseño Web adaptado a las nuevas tecnologias SEOptimizado.
- Diseño de pagina optimizada para dispositivos móviles. (AMP).
- Prevención y mitigación de ataques malintencionados.
- Evaluación técnica presencial de la infraestructura del negocio. (en caso de tener uno) para verificar la seguridad de las redes.
$449.99 USD
Cybersecurity Plan + SEO
This plan only includes
Cybersecurity Services 24/7
Protection against identity theft, brand protection, domain and risk indicators.
- High Traffic Volume Keywords Report.
- Advanced management of the Google search console and performance reports.
- Control of Competition in Keywords that generate traffic.
- Reports of Backlinks, Words for which it is positioned, Ranking and SEO on-page.
- Prevention and mitigation of malicious attacks.
- Support in real time (Every day - Working hours).
- Security copies against incidents. (Periodically).
-Google Analytics. (Google Traffic Report)
-Google My Business. (Google Performance and Reviews Report).
- Remote Assistance.
- Face-to-face assistance. (subject to schedule and availability.)